Looking west in the late 1890s, at the "intersection" where the DL&W crossed Roseville Avenue.  There, where the Montclair Branch turns off, is the original Roseville Station.  Beyond it some houses on N. Ninth Street are visible.  At the right, I believe, is the back corner of that building at Seventh and Seventh that was referred to in my time as the Al-Anon place.  To the left is the old Roseville Hotel, long since replaced by a more modest apartment house.  At the time of this photo, obviously, the railroad ran at street level, but starting in 1903 the railroad began a program of grade separation, raising the tracks in some areas (Broad Street, East Orange) and lowering them elsewhere, as here in Roseville, to eliminate increasingly dangerous street grade crossings.  Below is a rare "after" photo taken from nearly the same spot.


The western end of the "Roseville Cut," not yet electrified.  Clearly visible here is the old switching tower, built into the side of the cut. Just beyond the tower, across Roseville Avenue, you can see the roof of the new two-level Roseville Station, now on the other side of Seventh Avenue.  Below, a 1961 shot from the Berg Collection, taken on Seventh Avenue looking east toward the Roseville Avenue bridge.  Visible here are the switching tower and, next to it, the beloved White Circle hamburger joint! 

Onward to Part 3